AlvaiázereCastanheira de PêraArganilCastelo BrancoCovilhãFigueiró dos VinhosFundãoGóisLousãMiranda do CorvoOleirosPampilhosa da SerraOliveira do HospitalPedrógrão GrandePenacovaPenelaProença-a-NovaSertãTábuaVila de Rei

[[ parish.title ]] ([[ parish.municipality ]])

[[ ]]: [[ parish.indicator.value ]]
Optimal location:


[[ municipality.title ]] ([[ municipality.criteriaCount ]])

  • [[ parish.title ]]

Caption Each color intensity represents a quintile, that is, 20% of the indicator values ordered from lowest to highest.

  • [[ caption.description ]]
  • [[ caption.description ]]
[[ ]]: [[ unit.value ]]
Source: [[ chosenIndicator.source ]]
Last Updated: [[ chosenIndicator.last_update ]]

Statistical indicators Selection of statistical indicators, organised by themes, with relevant information about the territory of Aldeias do Xisto, with the lowest geographic breakdown available (municipality or parish) for each reference period. It is also possible to obtain a comparison (percentage variation) of an indicator for two reference periods.


Reference Period

% Variation compared to

Criteria for the optimal location of a parish Selection of relevant criteria for everyone interested in living, investing or working in the territory of Aldeias do Xisto. The combination of the various criteria (distance in minutes between each parish and each reference point) facilitates the choice of the parish with the best location, according to the perspective of each user (living, investing or working). Whenever possible, this information is shown simultaneously with indicators disaggregated at parish level.

  • [[ obj.title ]]

    • [[ comp.value ]]