awards and distinctions

Awards and Distinctions

awards and distinctions

The Municipalities that form part of the Aldeias do Xisto territory have been honoured and awarded over the years for their good practices and innovative projects.

The Municipalities that form part of the Aldeias do Xisto territory have been honoured and awarded over the years for their good practices and innovative projects. With an emphasis on the territory, economy and society, municipalities have promoted growth, inclusion and sustainability through initiatives geared towards family life, improving infrastructures, preserving natural resources and promoting sports.

Family Responsible Municipalities

Over the years, some of the Municipalities in the Aldeias do Xisto network have been consistently recognised as “Family Responsible Municipalities”. This recognition comes as a result of the exemplary social work that these municipalities have carried out, showing commitment to their communities. Particularly noteworthy are the programmes for young people, the creation of psychological support networks, effective employment measures and support for the most disadvantaged families.

Sport for all

The Aldeias do Xisto region offers a unique landscape in Portugal which serves as a backdrop for some of the best infrastructures in the country for active tourism, covering everything from cycling to trail running, canoeing and climbing. The culture of “sport for all” is very present in the programmes of the municipalities that have won successive awards in this area.

Inclusion and diversity

Of particular note is the remarkable work that has been carried out and recognised for inclusion and diversity. Some Municipalities have been recognised as European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity, while other initiatives address gender issues or develop social services to support the elderly.

List of Awards and distinctions