The Aldeia do Xisto of Pedrógão Pequeno, in the municipality of Sertã, has been chosen as the setting for the upcoming General Assembly of the Casa Comum da Humanidade and another edition of the Conversas Caminhadas. The events will take place on the weekend of March 29 and 30.
On Saturday, starting at 14:30, the Pedrógão Pequeno Parish Council meeting room will host the seminar “The Global Benefits of Pinhal Interior,” which includes the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Casa Comum da Humanidade and ADXTUR – the Agency for the Tourist Development of the Aldeias do Xisto (Schist Villages). The environment, sustainability, and the enhancement of the natural capital of Pinhal Interior are the key topics for discussion. At 17:00 on the same day, the Ordinary General Assembly of Casa Comum da Humanidade will take place.
March 30 is reserved for a guided walking tour around the Zêzere River valley, led by José Augusto Pais, covering various topics. The program will conclude with a plant- and wild mushroom-based meal.
Registrations are free but mandatory. They must be completed by March 20, HERE. Plan your stay at